BRIEF REFLECTION FOR JOINT us consider assalamu'alaikumFRIENDS ALL my brothers and sisters, many of us, Or EVENOUR Among All the Way We OWN SHORTCUT, TheCONSIDERED THE MOST EASY WAY TO LIFE is taking. THINK... IF NO CHARGES HAVE, CAN LIVE With GLAD WHENREALLY HAPPY And ... From ANY EXPENSES Or GOD GIVENTO THE PROBLEM What We, AT LEAST THERE ARE SOME THINGS What were trying to convey 'HIM, Who Among them are the following SPIRITUAL POWER TRAIN CHARACTER AndWe're A phrase saying that a sailor was never produced reliablewithout ever sailed the Ocean full of challenges. A person would not have a strong character and spirituality have neverexperienced a problem when REALIZE THAT GOD We NEEDPOWER OF LIFE The weaker We In the eyes of the World, whenwe rely on power of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala, then with power'HIS Such Good Life will run DO And hurry REFUSE CHARGESPROBLEM Rather Be grateful ..! Because it Insha Alla We willmake a Strong Person and Know that increases the Almighty.Hands 'NYA all that we naturally make We find meaning andsignificance "THE MORE SERIOUS CHARGES ... THESTRENGTH OF A GIVEN' IF HIS LIFE BUTTON WHITE PIANOAre Like It Is HAPPINESS And It's EASY LOAD BUTTON BLACKPIANO MATTERS ... And can be played with WHETHERTHROUGH THE SECOND bUTTON ... And the good thing isWHITE bUTTON bUTTON MORE From THIS MEAN A bLACK ..."THERE ARE MANY DIFFICULTIES IN REAL EASY ...WASSALAMU'ALAIKUM