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On the basis of what has been said of the DS spread-spectrum system that is the core of the CDMA system, we can state that CDMA is an MA technique that uses spread-spectrum modulation by each accessing party with its own unique spreading code, with all accessing parties sharing the same spectrum. It is also clear now that spread-spectrum modulation is accomplished by means of PN codes. The narrowband information signal or information sequence is modulated (multiplied) by the wideband spreading signal (se-quence), thereby spreading the information signal spectrum to a substantially greater bandwidth prior to transmission. It is important to recognize that CDMA can only be accomplished by spread-spectrum modulation, while spread-spectrum modulation does not mean CDMA. The generation of PN sequences is accomplished using a linear feedback shift register (LFSR), in either the "simple" or "Fibonacci" configuration as in or the "modular" or "Galois" configurationIn either case, the shift register generator is a finite-state machine mechanized by a polynomial given in the form of
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