need help to fix your computer / laptop is an error, but our friends are in a far away for us to meet. If a friend's computer is connected to the Internet then we can help without having to see him. We can control the computer from our computer with Remote Desktop facility. using the software team viewer & qs team viewer . The main requirement to be able to control the other computer is a must each computer installed software client and server. Software to control a computer remotely is called by the software team viewer & qs team viewer. On Microsoft operating systems from Microsoft Windows XP, to run it we do not have to bother to apply the settings to the settings in advance. To run the software team viewer & team viewer qs , we need a minimum of 2 computers (PCs) that are installed application software team viewer & qs team viewer .
How to do the settings are as follows.
To help us understand the setting and connection software team viewer &qs team viewer , then I will masing2 computer settings are as follows:
Computers ye => Client => Team viewer
Friend's computer => Server => Team viewer qs
Setting on Client Computers

after installer
cara setting di komputer server