Why Children May Not Fat?

Son of fat does look cute and adorable. However, obese it does not always mean healthy, but can also as an indication of disease should be checked early. Problem of obese children, not only in eveloped countries, in developing countries such as Indonesia, in cities and in some villages, more and more children are found fat. Not always have to come from families adequacy. Eating rice exceeds any portion could make a tremendous loss so fertile.
Fat has become epidemic in the world. First, countries in Africa, many are starving.Now, slimming centers have started popping up a lot in there.Pattern overeating and the price of fruit and vegetables is higher than the price of fried foods, sugar, and snack, that's what makes the body tends to excess calories.
Fat is also to some people still have a symbol of prosperity.Right. Partly of the parents, especially mothers, want their children obese. In addition to funny, kids plump also symbolizes a prosperous family. Wrong message that is inherited as This myth
that needs to be corrected, because kids who are actually not fat coveted governments in developed countries. Everywhere developed countries, more managers who are not fat than the fat.
Now, the United States is grappling with more than half of school children population classified as obese. Most require a doctor's consultation. Various attempts were made, but has not been entirely resolved. We can understand that American children tend to be overweight, probably since the age of the baby early.However, if manywell our children are obese, there are certainly wrong in eating patterns and habits them. Junk food is one reason.