introduction of the Tsunami
Tsunami is a series of waves that could spread with a speed of up to over 900 km per hour, mainly caused by the earthquake which occurred on the sea floor.
Tsunami wave velocity depends on the depth of the sea. In the ocean at a depth 7000 m for example, speed can be achieved 942.9 km / h. This is almost the same speed the speed of jet aircraft. However, the high waves at sea no more of 60 cm. As a result, ships are sailing on it rarely feel the tsunami.
Unlike the regular sea waves, tsunamis have wavelengths between the two peak of more than 100 miles at sea and the lapse of time between the peakswavelength range from 10 minutes to 1 hour. When it reaches shallow coastal, bay, or estuaries of this wave speed decreases, but high waves rose tens of meters and are destructive.
The term tsunami comes from the Japanese language meaning harbor and nami Tsu means that the wave the sea. The term of this story tsunami. At first tsunami waves means that hit the harbor.
Tsunami mainly caused by the earthquake on the seabed. Tsunamis are triggered when the earth
landslides on the ocean floor, volcanic eruption of the seabed, or due to a falling meteor rare.
TSUNAMI OF earthquake
Not all earthquakes result in the formation of a tsunami. Terms of tsunami
due to earthquakes are :
- The epicenter occurred on the sea floor
- Depth of the epicenter less than 60 km
On December 26, 2004, earthquake with strength in depth of 9 on the Richter Scale Bottom of the sea 30 km southwest of Aceh generate tsunami waves with initial velocity of about 700 km / h. wave This spread in all directions from the center of the
tsunami and the sweep of Aceh and North Sumatra with speed between 15-40 km per hour and wave height of 2 to 48 meters. victim soul reaches over 250,000 people. In 3 hours
after the earthquake, the countries in the region Also affected the Indian Ocean tsunami.
indonesia again experienced the tragedy, and grief experienced because of the new earthquake yesterday in western Sumatra earthquake and today's experience in the Bengkulu area and jambi. where an earthquake measuring above 7 on the Richter scale claimed many casualties, wounded, and destroying homes.

According Prone Area Map Tsunami in Indonesia issued by the Directorate of Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, edition of 2005, had occurred 4 times the tsunami that hit Padang and the surrounding areas in 1797, 1799, 1833 and 1861. But we are all grateful, this earthquake did not cause a tsunami, because the epicenter was not in Padang Subduction Zone, although the damage caused arguably more severe than the Yogyakarta earthquake or the recent earthquake Tasikmalaya.
to know the complete seismic events such as earthquake location, magnitude, and so can be directly to the USGS website at url
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