Having an email address must for anyone who needs the internet for communication needs at work or in socializing with family and friends scattered everywhere.If you have a reputable bank account and use internet banking, email accounts have the option column must be filled, gunakanya; all internet banking transactions will be sent to your email address in the form of a report every transaction. Send documents more quickly and efficiently using email, and uses relatively low cost. Facebook phenomenal, Twitter is fun, even hanging out in the community in Indonesia as the largest forum Kaskus, requires an email address to register.
So, there is the email reply you can use just for fun, like Facebook or Twitter.And email used for business affairs with your colleagues. In my opinion, if all services using a single email address, imagine how many emails coming into your inbox every day? although in the email you have facilities spamm useful to filter the emails that are not clear. Few tips and advice for securing e-mail address, for easy and even very safe in my opinion;