Promotion techniques on the internet is crucial to success in online business internet. There are a variety of Internet promotion techniques, but basically the Internet promotion techniques there are 2 kinds with SEO and PPC. Which is best? SEO or PPC?
Who does not want to have a website or blog to occupy top positions in search engine results? Even for each targeted keyword? Hehe, I'm sure everyone would want to raise your hand and say, donk'd love to, hehe.
To reach that position, so we have to promote the conditions by applying various techniques of internet promotion in order to reach the top, or at least top 10 in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP).
There are two strategies and promotional techniques that we can do to get a lot of visitors, with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or Pay Per Click (PPC).
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is a cheap and promotional techniques to be excellent among online businesses. The reason other than cost, SEO can give you free traffic
towards a website or blog. The trick is to grab the attention of mbah Google and other search engines. SEO techniques are basically creating a website or blog liked by search engines. If they already like and love with our website, then gladly our website will be placed in a respectable position in search results, as a special treat for us, hehe glad donk dapet gift.
To better understand this tenteng SEO techniques, it helps you learn to know the Secrets of SEO Search Engine.
2. Pay Per Click (PPC)
Promotion techniques of this model is advertising with pay. This paid promotion we can do by listing ads on Google Adwords or PPC as kliksaya local, AdsenseCamp, KumpulBlogger, etc.. The calculations each time the payment is from our ad is clicked by someone else. The most interesting of these is Google Adwords PPC, because Google will place ads on our site is the first or the first page of search results SERP. That means we do not have to painstakingly apply SEO but it can occupy pertaman pages of search results. Thus expected to provide a high traffic, so more sales increase.
Well, from both the above methods may be said that there are two ways the Internet is a quick promotional costs and a slow way but requires hard work.
A quick way is relatively very fast and is suitable for you who want to promote without the hassle and hard work, but you have to spend for it. In fact, it is not impossible after you spend a lot of money for promotion, but you do not generate sales. Wah wah donk so sorry, was out of money on advertising instead there is not sales, loss donk me, hhmmm ...
Before starting to promote with PPC, especially with Google Adwords, it helps you learn to campaign with Proffit Strategy Strikes With Google Adwords.
Or if you have lots of time to promote on the internet, to apply SEO is another option. But you have to be patient, need to learn and strengthen your SEO techniques. If your SEO is not good or maybe aja not understand the technique, you can hire a SEO expert to tamper with your site. That means out of money too, cape deh .. Hehe, that business name does still have to shell out times.
Then promotion techniques where you choose to support an online internet business? with SEO or PPC?
In my opinion both are good, especially the promotion of both techniques are combined and implemented properly, I'm sure your Internet business will progress
How in your opinion?