TIPS TO BE HAPPY MOST WOMEN DO NOT ... For acts that could be wasting your life, like love revenge and at odds with the case that there is no goodness in it. NOT ... For those who prefer the attitude of property and collecting it, rather than attitude wise to maintain your health, your happiness, and your rest time. NOT ...For temperament is like spying on other people's mistakes, wag disgrace of others (ghibah) and forget the disgrace yourself. NOT ... For those who like to temperament intoxicated with sensual pleasures, obey all the demands and desires. NOT ... For the attitude that always spends time with the unemployed, and wasted countless hours to joke and play. NOT ... For those indifferent to hygiene behavior and body fragrance, and to hell with residence and order environment. NOT ... For every drink unlawful, cigarettes, and everything is dirty and unclean. NOT ... For the attitude that always recall the disaster that has past, disaster has occurred, or the mistakes already made. NOT ... For those who forget the behavior of the afterlife, which fails to equip themselves with good deeds for menyongsongnya, and are heedless of warnings about kedahsyatannya. NOT ... For temperament wasted possessions in unlawful matters, apply lavishly in a permissible matters, and behavior that can be cut matters of obedience. YES ... For a beautiful smile, which sends love, and sent his compassion for others. YES ... For the good words, which build friendships and to eliminate hatred. YES ... For alms is granted, the happy poor people, poor people good, and filling the hungry.YES ... For your willingness to sit together while reading the Qur'an, contemplate, and practice it, while repentance and beristighfar. YES ... For going to dhikr, beristighfar, immersed in prayer, and constantly improve taubatmu. YES ... For your efforts in educating your children with religion, sunna, and helpful advice for them. YES ... To your shame, and the hijab (covering private parts) are commanded by God, because that's the only way to preserve and maintain yourself. YES ... To pergaulanmu with women is good and God-fearing, loving and respecting religious values. YES ... To baktimu against parents, your brother friendship, respect for neighbors, and sympathize orphans. YES ...To read something that is useful to review the book interesting and useful, fun book and gives guidance. Source: Excerpted from the book "Being a Woman Most Happy in the World" - DR. Aidh al-Qarni