Keeping Your Children Safe Online

Children, like adults, are just as susceptible from computer and internet security risks. Thus, it is important to keep children safe and have your data protected.
The following are simple yet effective steps so that security threats could be reduced dramatically.
Implement parental pc control
It is always best to implement a kind of parental control when kids are using the computer. Fortunately, there are ISPs available that could be purchased as software that is separate.
However, keep in mind that a software program is really a poor substitute for authentic supervision provided by a parent.
Through using the Internet Explorer, it allows anyone to conveniently restrict or simply do not allow particular web sites to be seen. Settings for these could be set through passwords.
In order to see these options, click on Tools on the menu bar, then choose Internet Options, select the tab named Content, click the button named Enable under the Content Advisor.
It is also best if you purchase software that enables you to watch and monitor any and all sites your kids go to.
Partition it now, partition it good
It is advisable to partition your personal computer into accounts that are separate. Many operating systems (these include the Mac, Windows XP, Linux) provide users the option to create different and various user accounts.
This works well especially if you have that fear of your kid accessing, modifying or deleting your own files. Giving your child an account that is separate decreases the access amount and the privileges your child has.
Use anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall
Software that provides anti-virus activities protects computers from any viruses that could destroy data, help prevent slow performance of your computer, helps prevent crashes and does not allow any spammers to infiltrate your e-mail.
Basically, this works through scanning the computer and any e-mails that are incoming. If there are any that contains viruses, these are automatically deleted.
An effective anti-virus program should have constant and routine updates as well as antidotes for any latest bugs that are currently in the internet.
Meanwhile, firewalls have the ability to keep any hackers away from your own computer thereby preventing them from accessing any of your personal info without your express permission.
Basically, a firewall is a guard that watches any attempts from the outside to access your personal computer system. It also blocks communications to and from sources that does not have your permission. As much as possible, always turn on your firewall and regularly update it.
Anti-spyware programs meanwhile protect your personal computers from any malicious forms of spyware. What spyware does is monitor all activities you do online. It also collects your personal info while you innocently do your surfing on the web.
Through anti-spyware, it scans in a periodic manner your computer to check if it has any spyware software and programs available. After which, it offers you the opportunity to immediately remove harmful software.
Password protect your pc
Using passwords that are strong or utilizing authentication technology that is strong helps you protect your personal info.
As much as possible, keep all your passwords in a secure and safe place. Do not share your passwords over the internet, phone or e-mail.
Remember that your ISP should not ask your password.
Hackers have the ability to acquire your password, unless of course you make it difficult for them to guess it through the following efforts: use passwords that contain eight characters including with it symbols and numerals; avoiding words that are common; avoiding using personal info; changing regularly your passwords (at least every three months).
A good way of creating a password is to come up with a phrase that is memorable and using first letters of every word as the password of your choice. Convert these letters into particular numbers that look like letters.
Do not forget to back up files that are important
The fact of the matter is that there is no such system that is one hundred percent secure. If there are any files that are important and is currently stored in your own computer, always copy them in discs that are removable.
After which, store them in a place that is secure.
You could also consider software encryption. It is also best if the start-up disks in the original software you bought is readily available just in case your computer system crashes.
All in all, helping your children safe from online security threats is an effort that is well worth it.