most of the bloggers
want to visit but do not pay attention or is always renewing his article, how would much visited but notupdated the article, bloggers usually do tags of words in its newsto be detected by the search engine
google, yahoo,,, sreative commons, ebay, wikipedia, wordpress, and others. then the bloggers will also be taking theride link or on sites of others that have been a page rank, so to speak like this if huckster perfume, if we approach will definitelymiss the oil or fragrance, as well as profiles on the bloggers toride someone else are already known will certainly have its advantages, the bloggers mania I'm actually still learning the blog, when the brothers want to help me please be know any tips or tricks for the interneter many visiting our blog,
especially for programming languages I understand a little but not too deep , because I am also still learning from his older brother google, yahoo brother, sister amazon and others. this my experience,passengers put up my link in the link free advertising, curiosity appears I try to search through google brother, guess what, my page is positioned on the third, oh it feels really happy when I'm just a fun-whim, then the next day I was idly again today I see on google eh brother was away on my site page 4 brother google, it's really sad, really if the Internet or cyberspace is not a ghost world of tables we have to be diligent, industrious posting articles that warm, rich toast, so first the bloggers about my experiences in cyberspace,then we for-for my brother again experience google, create themaster blog please help me so much to visit