How To Protect Your Computer From A Virus

This article will give you the information on how to protect your computer from a virus. A computer virus is a program that is able to make copies of itself over and over to spread throughout the files on your computer and to the files of other computers, whenever information is exchanged. These viruses can do a lot of damage to your computer in a short amount of time. It can destroy all of your files and make your computer virtually useless. The most important thing that you can learn about your computer is how to protect if from a virus.
The first thing that you should do to protect your computer against viruses is to get a high quality anti virus software installed on your computer. Make sure you update it regularly by visiting the manufacturer's website. Use this software to scan all files, diskettes, programs and software before you use them on your computer.
Always make back up copies of important files or documents and store them on a separate CD or diskette. This will help protect your important information from accidental deletion or other damage. Always scan your disks and files after using them on another computer.
Make sure that the security features on your computer is turned on. If you are using Microsoft Windows it comes with it's own security features. Enable the following, Internet firewall, Antispyware software and Anti virus software. This trio will do the most to protect you from getting a computer virus.
Download information from only sites that you are familiar with and that you trust. Never open email attachments from someone that you don't know. Install software only from authentic CDs. If you are not sure of the source, don't install it.
Know how to recognize the signs of a computer virus and take action right away to fix it. If your computer starts acting strangely, is running slower than normal or starts shutting down by itself frequently, then you may have a virus. Other symptoms may include, strange sounds or music coming from your speakers unexpectedly. Multiple pop up messages or boxes may start appearing on the screen or you may start receiving out of memory messages even though your computer has plenty of memory left.
If any of these things happen, first visit the website for your anti virus software and download any updates. Then run a complete virus scan on your computer. When the scan is complete, you should be given recommendations on how to remove the virus from your computer. If you are a complete novice to computers and don't feel comfortable with this step, enlist the help of a more knowledgeable person.
A computer is a big investment and in some cases it is the lifeline of your business. Protecting it from viruses should be your number one priority.