SEO-Down and Dirty

Search Engine Optimization is something you should consider before submitting your website to the search engines. A well optimized website can bring lots of visitors to your website from the search engines. SEO is the process of modifying your web page to get better rankings with the search engines. One thing you should consider is how to use meta tags and keywords, although this is not as important as it used to be. If possible
it is best if you use your top keywords in your domain name. Then you should provide content and meta tags based on your top keywords.
More important than meta tags is writing great content using your most important keywords prominently throughout your web site. Visitors who read great content will link to your web site and recommend it to others. Put alternative text in your graphic images that clearly describe the graphic image and using your keywords whenever possible. Do not put text in a graphic image that has nothing to do with your web page. Do not spam the search engines because they can and will permanently delete your web pages from their indexes if you go too far. Examples of spam include keyword stacking and stuffing, refreshing your web pages too quickly, using invisible text or text that is too small. Use the same color text on your page as the page's background color. This has often been used to keyword stuff a web page. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam.
Some consider it optional, however, it's not a bad idea to create your meta keywords tag content by copying the important search terms from the meta description tag and separating each term with a comma. For example, "wholesale widget, skinny red widgets, industrial red widgets, large widgets, large aluminum widgets, custom widgets, wholesale widget distributor". Use the meta-tag description and meta-tag keywords attribute on every page of your site that you want the search engines to index. We recommend that you include 1-2 of your most important keyword phrases in the title tag, BUT be careful not to just list keywords. If you just list keywords you risk being viewed as spamming the engines, which can ultimately lead to you being blacklisted by the search engines. Your title tag should include your keyword phrases while remaining as close to a readable sentence as possible to avoid any problems. Include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases. Especially those used in your title tag and page copy. Don't forget plurals. For example, a travel site might have both "caribbean vacation" and "caribbean vacations" in their keyword meta tag to make sure they show up in both searches. If you know of a common misspelling of a popular keyword that could be used to find your site you should enter it in your keywords meta tag. For example, a travel site might use "caribean " in their keyword meta since it s a common misspelling for "caribbean".
Be sure to use the keyword phrases that you also used in the copy of your page, title tag, meta description, and other tags. Do not use multiple instances of the same tag. For example, using more than one title tag. Search engines can detect this and view it as spam. Do not use any keywords in your keywords meta tag that do not directly relate to the content of your page. Always ensure that whatever terms you place in your Meta keyword tag also appear in the body of copy. You do not want to be considered a spammer. The only exception that can be made here is for common misspellings of a word. They can add a small boost to your Internet traffic, as not everyone was a spelling bee champion in grade school. Make sure you accurately describe the content of your page while trying to entice visitors to click on your listing. Include 3-4 of your most important keyword phrases. Especially those used in your Title tag and page copy. Each page of your site should have it's own title tag with it's own keywords that related to the page that it appears on.
After you have optimized your website you should consider your link popularity, or the number of sites that link to your site. You can increase your popularity by finding linking partners. You exchange links with another website to increase your popularity. You should link with other websites that have content that is relevant to your website. For example, if your website is about “work at home” then you should
seek linking partners that are about “work at home” or whatever your keywords might be. Inbound links go a long way to increasing your popularity with the search engines. Before you can start looking for linking partners you need to get a links page for your website. Then you can go to a search engine and type in your keywords. Generally, the pages that come up in your search will be likely candidates for you to link with, but you don’t want to link with your competitors. Potential websites you might link with should contain information relevant to your web site and reach an audience who would be interested in your web site