Have Traffic Have Money alternative optimize website
optimization very important website will be found online and make money. Optimizing a website must change the contents of the website simple and efficient. Reduce bandwidth usage to maintain the way It will help save time and money optimizing a website to drive traffic can somehow get the money!! very technical and complicated!!! But in the traffick is my money are tips to help you optimize your site. go on to learn the basic tips for website optimization earn money.
1. Know Target Visitor
Who need your site online. how to get surfers to use the search phrases that visitors find your site. always decide on the keywords targeted. looking for some ideas that the surfer will see your site
2. Defines The Niche
You certainly will cover a very wide area of ocean. seo simple but living machines are needed to help find your site with the best keywords. secure that qualified searchers will find your site faster
3. Hold The Tag Titles
Web page title tag to inform them, traffic much money flowing in the river site, they belong to the text content of HTML tags. use the title tag, which describes all of the contents of the websites that you have
4. Analyze Keyword
Ease of use keyword analysis tools that can bring visitors are much in demand. Many free sites offer this service and definitely One of the best keyword tools and the most popular analyzer is Google webmaster tool
5. Relevant Titles
Should be sufficiently descriptive to rider comfort. confused enough to write articles but over time would eventually mngeluarkan at a dead end, so you get the convenience to fill the brilliant idea of the article and title tag
6. Keyword Density
Is one way of thousands of topics to optimize your web page keyword phrases appear at least three to five times to get traffic is my money always place your keywords in the header when writing text for websites like the site search engine while increasing the text in the title of the most important part is placed on the headline page do not forget
I hope these helpful tips and tricks for optimizing your blog or web site. follow then your site will see an improvement in search engine rankings. should be SEO experts do not have to spend money to optimize. My traffic is enough money to get more traffic!!!